Grayscale Investments Files for 3 New Exchange Traded Funds

maja 9, digital currency fund manager Grayscale Investments announced the establishment of the Grayscale Funds Trust and submitted registration filings for three exchange-traded funds with the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo. Grayscale Introduces Grayscale Funds Trust and Files for 3

Osprey Vies for Control of Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust; Tron’s Justin Sun Offers to Invest Up to $1B on DCG Assets

Following charges by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission against the crypto exchange Gemini and the digital currency lender Genesis, Tron founder Justin Sun told the press that he may be able to purchase assets from Genesis, up to $1 milijarde,…

Cameron Winklevoss iz Geminija vztraja, da mora skupina za digitalno valuto rešiti likvidnostna vprašanja v odprtem pismu izvršnemu direktorju Barryju Silbertu

Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, published an open letter to Digital Currency Group (DCG) CEO Barry Silbert on Jan. 2, 2022, stating that it had been 47 days since withdrawals from Genesis had been halted. V pismu,…

Onchain Analysis Verifies the Number of BTC Held by Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust

After Grayscale Investments shared information concerning the companys product holdings, people questioned why the firm wouldnt share the public addresses associated with the crypto assets it holds. Vendar, on Nov. 23, OXT researcher Ergo published a Twitter thread featuring onchain forensics

Oddelek za upravljanje premoženja Charlesa Schwaba v vrednosti 655 milijard dolarjev bo ta teden začel trgovati s kripto povezanimi ETF

Charles Schwab’s $655 veja za upravljanje premoženja milijard lansira svoj prvi sklad, s katerim se trguje na borzi, povezan s kripto (ETF). Novi sklad naj bi začel trgovati ta teden na borzi NYSE Arca. Charles Schwab Launches Its First Crypto-Related ETF Schwab Asset Management, a…

12 Podjetja Ostanite blizu $700 Milijoni v Ethereumu v zakladnicah

During the last year, tam’s been a lot of discussion concerning bitcoin treasuries or public firms putting bitcoin on their balance sheets. Vendar, the leading crypto asset by market valuation is not the only digital currency being held by treasuries. Ethereum…

Terjatve na seznamu zakladnic Bitcoin 59 Držijo podjetja in peščica držav 1.49 Milijon BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. Danes, metrics indicate there are 59 companies, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETF-ji) z…